

  • Author:
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  • Date: 2014-02-24

Beginning in April 2014, our company will start selling high-tech products - ELINK LED bulbs. The bulb can be set exactly as required by the user, the tool is very simple: iOS application or BILLILUX official website, and Android version of the application will also be released.

The biggest selling point ELINK LED bulbs that can be self-customized, through the application settings, user can control each bulb light color, or select a template BILLILUX of four. Such as reading mode, illumination extent that people can stay awake. You can also save your own settings for the mode, and set the time for the light switch.

Bulbs contain a 7 LED lamp beads - color is green, red, blue - with 16 million kinds of colors by combining the performance. Each light bulbs equivalent to the traditional 60W light bulb, can be energy efficient. Lamp life is approximately 20 years. A bridge can support 50 bulbs. 

Imagine, this product will give consumers a better life experience. Stay tuned.
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